We are currently putting together the workshop program! In the next weeks we will add more workshops and workshop descriptions. Individual workshop titles may change again.
Monday morning
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Led by the experienced economist Friederike Habermann, we will embark together on a search for new ways of living and doing business that do not come at the expense of others and nature. What can a good life for all look like? It becomes clear that in many places people are already working for a sustainable, democratic and socially and ecologically just coexistence, in the Global South as well as in the Global North. All their projects offer concrete alternatives in the here and now. The current imperial way of life, based on exploitation, is the result of political decisions and our everyday actions. So another world is feasible. But how can it be done? Concrete examples and patterns will be developed, presented and discussed in this workshop.
Monday afternoon
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The Covid crisis is just one manifestation of many others: Care in general, climate change, and an economic system that is reaching its limits. But the problem is even deeper as long as we follow a logic that forces us to reduce the environment to a resource, to see our fellow human beings as competitors and ourselves as our own human capital. Compulsive growth and the exploitation of the Global South are further consequences. In this workshop we want to take the time to look more closely at this – analytically as well as at what this does in our own lives.
Tuesday afternoon
What is queer feminism actually? In which areas of life does queer feminism play a role and what do frequently used terms like WLINTA*, patriarchy or queerness mean? And what privileges do I actually have because of my sexuality and gender? We want to answer these and many other questions and aspects and approach the topic together practically and theoretically.
In this workshop, we would like to take a critical look at volunteer services in terms of racism and power. Both North-South and South-North programs can consolidate problematic structures, reinforce prejudices or exploit positions of power and perpetuate postcolonial patterns. Based on our own experiences, we will think about what effects a voluntary service can have and try to reflect on them critically. But then we also want to look at the potentials of a voluntary service. What could we learn, which connections could we understand, how did it change our view on the world? And what would be necessary to strengthen these positive effects? Together we want to think about what needs to be changed and develop concrete ideas for a responsible and sensitive voluntary service.
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The term “non-violent” does not only refer to physical integrity. It refers to whether all needs are considered and included (one’s own and those of others). In everyday life, in unpleasant situations, we often feel unconsidered needs physically -> our body “pricks” us and gives us a hint “change something!”. In everyday life it then quickly comes to the patterns “fight, flee, play dead”. Thereby it is always about something beautiful that wants to have more space and builds up a “suffering pressure”. I invite you to try out with NVC approaches how we can bring about changes with our “heart forces” in these spicy unpleasant places.
Friday morning
Make words tangible! With simple shapes and a little color, even complex contexts can be presented in a creative and memorable way, drawing attention to the topic again and again. We want to learn principles for a good design of flipcharts and first graphic elements like figures, facial expressions, symbols and containers. Special attention will be given to discrimination-sensitive representation that does not reproduce prejudices and stereotypes and creates visibility for marginalized groups. Try it out, we can all learn it!
The term “non-violent” does not only refer to physical integrity. It refers to whether all needs are considered and included (one’s own and those of others). In everyday life, in unpleasant situations, we often feel unconsidered needs physically -> our body “pricks” us and gives us a hint “change something!”. In everyday life it then quickly comes to the patterns “fight, flee, play dead”. Thereby it is always about something beautiful that wants to have more space and builds up a “suffering pressure”. I invite you to try out with NVC approaches how we can bring about changes with our “heart forces” in these spicy unpleasant places.
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Self-organized groups are organic systems with their own patterns and processes. How can we steer and shape these systems so that a lively and functioning togetherness emerges? What tools exist to control group processes and how do we apply them? How can we succeed in integrating people into the group?
In this workshop we want to explore the fascination of self-organized groups and get to know and experience tools for effective (self-)organization. As a basis for this, we will take a look at the functioning and dynamics of grassroots democratic groups.
“Utopia, sees stands on the horizon. If I take three steps towards it, it takes three steps away. So what is it there for? – For me to walk.”
We want to develop a concrete utopia of how relations between countries of the Global North and Global South can be shaped in solidarity and justice. To this end, we will look at the example of Ecuador and address the current situation with free trade agreements, as well as existing approaches to change.
The workshop wants to enable utopian thinking and elicit your individual and collective visions. Where do you want to go, what do you want your actions to achieve? What are your roles and strengths? We will dream and sketch small and big steps towards your utopia.