Daria, Jessy, Jona, Julia and Klee have asked themselves this question again and again. We would like to share the changes and impulses that different undjetzt?! conferences have given to our individual paths in life with other people and pass on the special experience through an undjetzt?! conference.
Actually, new orga teams of motivated people are always found directly at the undjetzt?! conference and then organize it the next year. But because of Corona the conference had to be cancelled for 2 years now.
That’s why a few people from old teams got together in the fall of 2021 and decided to organize an undjetzt?! conference that takes the best from our individual years and creates new impulses. We would like to introduce ourselves briefly:

Julia (her): I’ve been around the longest of us. 2012 was my first encounter with the undjetzt?! conference and that left a lasting impression on me: After my voluntary service, it did me so much good to meet people here who see similar problems in the world – and who can also offer possible solutions for them, ways towards a ‘Good Life for All’. With the organization of this year’s undjetzt? conference I want to make sure that even more people can experience that they are not alone and that together another world is possible! Since my first undjetzt?! this other world has found its way into my life in many ways, e.g. I live in the community project Freie Feldlage Harzgerode (coincidentally this year’s conference location^^). What else makes me special is my enthusiasm for languages and for physical movement – a bit of acrobatics is a must at every undjetzt?! ;)
Jessy (her): After my voluntary service in Botswana in 2012/2013, I arrived directly 3 days later at the undjetzt?! conference in 2013. Thereby I stumbled into a world unknown to me and was carried away by the motivation and commitment of the people around me. I then directly became part of the 2014 organizing team and a member of the board of the supporting association grenzenlos e.V. Basically, the undjetzt? 2013 changed a lot for me: demos, second-hand clothes, discussions about different approaches how we can live sustainably in this world became my everyday life.
Being part of it again after so many years means a lot to me, because only with many people can we create a fairer, more solidary world. Topics that are particularly close to my heart and that I also advocate for outside of the conference are: A diverse, open, anti-racist society, and the fight against climate change and for climate justice.
I am passionate about dance and my favorite place to feel good is the forest.

Klee (no pronoun): “My first andnow?” conference changed my life.” – that’s how I explain to people why I want to organize another undjetzt?! conference. … My other heart project is my queerfeminist collective – FeuerQualle. I’m especially happy that the two projects are converging and that two of our workshops can be part of the undjetzt?! conference.
Jona (him): Rather by chance I came across the website of the undjetzt?! conference in cold January 2019. At the time, I felt the urge to take action, get a project off the ground, and feel effective. That’s when the undjetzt?! conference found me and turned my life upside down. The mindful togetherness, the liveliness and the certainty “I am not alone!”, left a lasting impression and encouraged me to get involved in social change. After 2 frustrating years without a conference, it is all the more important to me this year to bring the undjetzt?! conference back to life, to bring people together and to gather strength for the path to a more just world.
Besides my work in the organizing team, I like to take pictures, dance my feet off and realize the idea of an open house for people on the search, free of exchange logic.

Daria (her): My first contact with the undjetzt?! conference came through Jona and his enthusiastic stories. And at some point he asked me if I would like to organize the undjetzt? to co-organize. Without having experienced the conference before, I thought it would be a bit difficult, but everything I had heard so far had made me curious. After getting to know the others, it quickly became clear that I could not answer Jonas’ question with a “no”. So I stumbled straight into the orga-team and I am really looking forward to my first undjetzt? conference this year! It is important to me to create a more just world, in which we live in an open society and in solidarity with each other. Topics that are also close to my heart are sustainability and the fight against climate change. I love to be outside and to move, whether running, climbing, cycling, yoga or acrobatics – I’m there :)