Vision & Idea
Let us find each other, so that out of different pasts a common now emerges and a different future becomes tangible. Heart and head full of a world that should not stay as it is.
Let us set out to a place where heavy rains turn small streams into sweeping rivers. Where we are the brave ones who shape this world. Where visions become plans, utopias become reality. Where change is possible and space for all that is to come.
Let us break out into a time where we can stop and come to rest. In which we can dare to feel ourselves and show ourselves. In which we question the familiar and push each other to think.
Let’s ask the big questions of life in the small moments of happiness and search for answers together:
Where do we want to go? What am I burning for? What are you living for?
Let us learn from each other openly and critically, let us change with each other and transform each other. Motivate each other, recognize our strengths, trust in our abilities and become active ourselves. See possibilities, spin ideas and weave them into tangible plans. Recognizing the invisible web of life, between you and me and everyone, and dreaming up new solutions for the unjust strands.
Let’s realize dreams together and live other self-evident things.
Not tomorrow, not someday – but here and now?!
- How can we create a future worth living for all? -
For one week, we will explore this question with 200 motivated participants: in workshops, lectures, playfully and in personal encounters.
In addition, there is plenty of room for exchange of experiences, reflection and inspiration. New things can emerge, you can be free, alive and simply yourself.
The content topics are broad: lived sustainability, climate justice, perspectives from the global south, feminism, alternative economies, social and global justice, anti-racism, personal development and much more.
We want to raise awareness about how each*individual can start with themselves: How can we ask ourselves questions about the injustices in the world and about our own responsibility? We want to question what we take for granted and contribute to social change – where everyone can best use their own abilities. We want to inspire people to live in solidarity and encourage them to think critically.
We also want to make it clear that we can only achieve and change something if we work together and treat each other with respect. The conference is a platform for networking people and ideas that cross-fertilize each other and motivate commitment.
At the concert, in the money-free undjetzt?! café, on the open stage or in the hammock, there will be time to reflect and discuss what has been experienced. Together, vague ideas can be turned into concrete projects and developed further.
The undjetzt?! conference is aimed at everyone who wants to deal with the question “and now?!”. It is aimed at the restless and the perplexed, at all those who are looking for new ways to get involved in civil society and to organize themselves together.
Personally – socially – globally.
At the conference there will be spaces where people with their experiences of discrimination are heard, seen and taken seriously. And there will be space to critically examine one’s own privileges. Together, we want to make ourselves more capable of action in order to contribute to a world worth living in for all.
We can set out together, break new ground and create change. Are you with us?
When? 13.08. – 20.08.2022
Where? Free field location, Harzgerode
Information about registration will follow a few months before the conference.
You would like to participate in the conference, either as part of the organizing team or with a workshop/speech/artwork/concert? Then get in touch with us! We are looking forward to any contribution that will make the undjetzt? conference more of a conference for everyone.