grenzenlos – Vereinigung internationaler Freiwilliger e.V.
The undjetzt?!-Conference is supported by the organization grenzenlos – Vereinigung internationaler Freiwilliger e.V.
Grenzenlos e.V. is a forum of former volunteers across funding providers that facilitates the exchange of experience and, in contact with other alumni associations, sponsoring associations and political representatives, advocates the rights of international volunteers. The organization was founded in 1999 and currently has about 70 members.
Diverse and individual, but still connected are the experiences that volunteers have gained during their time abroad. Following the motto “… it goes even further. Discuss, develop and shape with”, grenzenlos offers a framework for engagement in civil society in connection with the voluntary service.
This commitment already takes place in projects such as “RückkehrerInnen-Fibel“, the portal, but also in political advocacy and committee work. In addition, grenzenlos regularly starts campaigns on current topics in the voluntary service policy.